pat mora

Dia de Los Ninos (Dia de Difference)!

On Sunday, April 27 Libraries and community centers all over North America will be celebrating Dia de Los Ninos. This celebration brings together the best intentions, dreams and good hard workof so many people from many backgrounds. It is much more than a program effort, it is a concerted drive to bring attention to the importance of of reading in the lives of children as well as the very beauty and diversity of our world. That is a big call to order! It takes a big dreamer (and creator) like author and inspir-er Pat Mora to rally the dreams and efforts of people in so many places to craft something so cohesive and meaningful as Dia. Pat reminds us that Dia de Los Ninos is not just about one day of celebration. It is really a movement that concerns inclusion, involvement and thinking beyond the limitations of today to realize a more unified future for our community. If your library or organization doesn’t celebrate (or in some way honor) the spirit of Dia de Los Ninos, check into it…join this effort that carries the ideas and ideals of community and concern so gracefully and joyfully.