


Is there anything better than taking an idea and customizing it in a new way? Here’s to the Youth Services Staff of BPL for taking DEAL and giving it a new view, a new life by DEALing for Teens! Actually, I fell upon this program listing and that makes me love it all the more. Here’s a great formula: Simply going with an idea because you like it and know that it will work because you know who you’re working for.


Today I had the pleasure of attending a meeting with the Boulder Public Library Teen Advisory Board.  One of the things I realized during the meeting is how far Public Libraries have come in the past 10 years or so with their commitment to the Teens in our communities. The very fact that I was sitting in a meeting room chatting with this vibrant group of Teens talking about libraries, podcasts and how to make the library a better place for them is quite wonderful. Salute to BTAB!

Check out what they’re up to at www.boulderteens.org