Boutique-ing It, Part 2: Know Your People

The idea of boutique-ing programs or projects can fly in the face of what seems like big success. We often think of success as being large, more people, more things–more. Boutique-ing isn’t so much about numbers as it is about creating something that is memorable to individuals–no matter how many (2 or 2000).

One key thing to remember when boutique-ing a program is get to know your participants as much as possible before your event, your week-long workshop, your program or happening. What are their needs, expectations and reasons for putting your event or program on their calendars? How can you find more about them without prying or being obnoxious? What questions can you ask–not simply to ask questions, but to help make a connection with the person and and the happening?

All this sounds simple, though it takes intention and willingness to get personal.

Be gentle, kind and real when asking questions of your potential participants. Encouraging interest  can make room for humor, creating a helpful bond between all participants and those behind or in front of the scenes.

Keep thinking this: How can we make this happening more memorable, easier, more boutique-ed?

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